The Courtship

Remember that courtship is so very important. Don't rush into anything, yet do not be non-committal and make your lady wait for years and years. Dating should be a time for gathering all the information you need to make a wise decision. This is not the time to get hooked on how good the pre-marital sex is. Sex makes everything cloudy! Communicate as much as possible and ask any questions that you need to know. Go deep. Ask about family life, childhood, finances, religion, sex, behaviors, abuse, goals, visions, fears, hopes and dreams.

The Abstinent Lifestyle

Abstinence is a lifestyle! You will have to set NEW rules and boundaries for yourself. It is also best to get an accountability partner. No more dates inside your house or apartment! No more sitting on the couch under a nice blanket to watch a movie from home, only to find your date fell asleep,never left for the evening, spent the night and what had happened was...


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The Romance

Shower her with gifts! Chocolates, flowers, poems, long walks, holding hands, cards, love letters and kind words.Compliment each other always. Try to out love one another! Once you get married, try to be just as romantic as when you were courting! Ladies, always reciprocate and say thank you! Show lots of support and give your man constant encouragement. Do your best not to nag!

The Covering

Do you already have membership at a church and are submitted to excellent leadership where you are held accountable? They should have pre-marital counseling available to you. Sometimes the pastor will strongly advise that you should not get married...please listen! Go to God in prayer about all things. Be leery if your husband-to-be strongly goes against his authority and does not go into deep prayer. Be leery of your wife-to-be if she pushes past authority and pressures to marry anyway. Besides getting "saved"...getting married will be one of the most important decisions of your life! God covers both of you, then you should be members and serving at a local church that you both agree upon. The pastor and if he is married, his wife, will be your spiritual covering for your family.

The Bible Study and Prayer Life

Be sure to read the Bible together. Try reading it out loud! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Read about Esther, Solomon, Boaz, Mordecai, Abraham, Ruth, Rebekah and the Proverbs 31 woman...all excellent! You can even role play with the characters. Go to Bible study together! Always pray before you read and ask God to give you revelation as you read His Word. Once you have children, make sure you read the Bible to them as well...makes great bed time stories! It's important to pray for and with one another. The man, as the leader, must be able to guide his family with prayer.

Before You Do!

3 sermon DVD set


Myles Munroe-

Probably no other dimension of human experience has been pondered, discussed, debated, analyzed, and dreamed about more than the nature of true love. Love is everywhere -- in songs and in books, on televisions and on movie screens. Yet, for all of our thinking and talking, how many of us truly understand love and where can we turn for genuine insight in matters of true love?

The Proposal

The proposal is very important. You will need to meet her family and she will need to spend time with your folk as well. Families tell you alot about a person. Know that when you get married, you marry into their family as well. Fellows, it is always good to discuss your intentions with your lady's father and mother before hand. They may even help with the big announcement! If all hearts and minds are clear, then plan away at how to make this proposal one of the best days of her life! You may do it privately or along with her family and friends.Really try to think of what would make her happy, comfortable and surprised! And no, it's not too old fashion to get down on one knee if that's your you!


The Robert Gray Proposal

The Vows

Be sure you really meditate on your vows. God takes vows very seriously when you make them in His name and does not like it when you break them. For better, for worse, for richer for poorer; in sickness and in health...til death do you part. Remember if there are better times there may be worse times. Try to think of what would be the worse times ever. Would you still stay together? How would you work through it? There will be times when you will have to fight for your marriage! Sometimes people, places and things will try to come against what God has put together.


Bishop T.D. Jakes's daughter, Sarah

Billy and Sarah Gaines' daughter Rachel Hockett's Wedding Day


The Successful Celebrity Couples

This is the positive side of the media that we do not get see much of! If the Hollywood couples can make can you! Enjoy these pictures of various influential people who are enjoying the family unit! There will about 20 more where these came from.We will feature some that have been married for up to 53 year! Enjoy the Vance and Kodjoe Family for now. Angela and Courtney Vance have been married for 12 years!